SpinoFlex unweighting systems make walking and standing easier and more comfortable

SpinoFlex adaptable-body-weight support systems allow safe and comfortable unweighting in a therapeutic or home setting. A SpinoFlex system provides controlled-weight-bearing on a user’s legs to enable them to stand or walk. The SpinoFlex system is based on a paradigm shift in the way therapists treat dysfunctional gait, balance, and coordination, to make repetitive motion exercises possible over longer periods of time.
SpinoFlex systems give therapists and patients full control over the amount of weight-bearing and unweighting, as needed over extended periods, placed on lower extremities.
As the user begins to improve and gain strength, the amount of weight-bearing can be gradually increased. This allows the user to begin to walk earlier than previously possible.
Therapists use unweighting devices – also known as partial body-weight supported treadmill training, or BWSTT – for locomotor training to produce better outcomes in gait training, weight-bearing, and functional improvement.
The SpinoFlex unweighting system eliminates the danger of falls for the patient and the threat of lifting-related back or muscle injuries to the therapist. The knowledge that the patient is safety supported allows the therapist to concentrate more closely on the delivery of therapy.
More information on the complete line of SpinoFlex products is available here.
SpinoFlex systems can also be used as a transfer device to bring patients from a bed, to standing, and then to a wheelchair. The highest lifting capacity in the industry allows it to be used for all patients.